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Black Mold In Your Hot Tub? Here’s How To Fix It

How to Get Rid of Black Mold In Hot Tub?

Have you noticed a black tar-like substance in hot tub recently? Don’t panic! It’s likely just black mold. Black mold is a common issue in hot tubs, but it’s also a very easy problem to fix.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

Fortunately, getting rid of black mold in a hot tub doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming; by following these 7 easy steps you can quickly remove any trace of the fungus from your spa.

If you have concerns about black mold in your home or business, don’t wait. Contact us today for a free estimation and the professional mold remediation services you need in Florida. Our team of experienced mold remediation specialists uses advanced techniques and equipment to thoroughly remove black mold from your property.

With regular maintenance and proactive cleaning practices, you can ensure that black mold will never again become an issue for your hot tub.

In this guide, we’ll talk about all you need to know about hot tun molds. We’ll explore questions like what are black molds, how to get rid of black mold in hot tubs, whether are they dangerous, and how to prevent black mold in hot tubs. Let’s dive right in! 

Black Tar Like Substance In Hot Tub: What Is Black Mold

Black mold is a type of fungus that can cause a variety of health issues and can be incredibly difficult to remove from your hot tub. Black mold needs moisture and warmth to survive, making your hot tub the perfect breeding ground. 

There is a wide range of potential causes for black mold, from inadequate maintenance to a natural occurrence. It’s important to identify the cause in order to tackle the problem effectively.

What Causes Mold on Hot Tub Cover and Wall?

The main cause of black hot tub mold is a lack of maintenance. If your spa isn’t being cleaned and treated regularly, it’s likely to develop mildew and mold growth.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

Humid climates encourage the growth of black mold as they create an ideal environment for spores to spread quickly. Poorly-maintained filters and a build-up of organic materials, such as leaves and dirt, can also reinforce mold on hot tub covers and walls, even filters. 

Is Black Mold in Hot Tub Dangerous

Now that you know how to get rid of black mold in hot tubs, it’s time to explore what kind of threat these fungi possess. Is black mold in hot tub dangerous? 

In short, yes. Black mold in hot tubs is dangerous and can cause a variety of health issues such as skin irritation, eye irritation, coughing and wheezing, fatigue, headaches, and even asthma attacks.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

However, these black molds don’t pose any serious threat to healthy humans. So, the better question would be is black mold in hot tub dangerous for everyone? The answer is no. If you have a breathing condition, you might have some trouble breathing. 

The same goes for questions like Is bathroom mold dangerous? However, mold growth, when left unchecked, can cause some issues. That’s why it’s important to take the necessary precautions when dealing with this type of mold. 

Dangers of Black Mold in Hot Tubs

Black mold in hot tubs can damage your health in several ways. The mycotoxins produced by the mold can cause various problems, including respiratory problems, headaches, dizziness, skin irritation, and more. In some cases, black mold exposure can lead to severe illnesses such as neurological damage and immune system problems.

In addition to the health dangers, black mold in hot tubs can also cause damage to the hot tub itself. The mold can weaken the structure of the hot tub, causing it to become less durable and more prone to leaks and cracks.

How to Get Rid of Black Mold in Hot Tub: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Remove Debris

The first step is always to clean your hot tub thoroughly. You’ll need to remove all dirt and debris with a mild detergent. Be sure to avoid using abrasive cleansers as these can damage your spa’s surface and allow more mold to grow. 

Step 2: Shock Your Tub

The next step is to shock your hot tub. Shocking it with a chlorine or bromine product will help to kill and prevent any existing mold growth. 

The process is pretty straightforward. You just have to mix the shock in with your hot tub’s water and allow it to circulate for a few hours before draining. 

Step 3: Drain the Tub

Once you’ve shocked your hot tub, it’s time to drain it. 

This can be done with a chemical called an algaecide which will help break down any remaining organic matter and kill off any mold that could still be present. 

Once this is complete, simply empty the water and give the hot tub a good scrub. 

Step 4: Check the Filters

Don’t forget to check your filters while you’re at it. If they’re too dirty, they won’t be able to trap any debris or hot tub mold particles, so give them a good clean as well. 

If your tub was left unused for a long period of time, it’s also important to replace the filters as they may no longer be able to effectively filter out dirt and debris. 

Step 5: Wipe the Surfaces

The next step is to wipe down the surfaces of your hot tub. This can be done with a damp cloth, or you can use a mild detergent and a scrub brush to get into any hard-to-reach spots. Be sure to rinse off any cleaning products thoroughly before refilling your hot tub. 

Step 6: Clean the Accessories

Next, you’ll want to clean any accessories that come into contact with your hot tub. This includes the cover, headrests, and anything else that could be harboring mold spores. 

Give them a good scrub with warm soapy water and then allow them to air dry before putting them back in the spa. 

In most cases, the tub case is the first place where mold develops, so it’s important to clean it regularly to avoid any unwanted surprises. 

Step 7: Refill the Tub

Finally, it’s time to fill your hot tub with fresh water. Make sure to use a specialized cleaner or filter cartridge so that all of the contaminants are removed before you start using it again. 

Don’t forget to check the pH and chlorine levels of your hot tub before you start enjoying it again. And keep the pool under close observation as any new mold growth should be treated immediately. 

By following these steps, you can ensure that black mold won’t be an issue in your hot tub ever again! 

Types of Hot Tub Molds

Black Mold

The most common type of mold found in hot tubs is black mold. This is the black tar like substance in hot tubs that we’re talking about today.

This type of fungus thrives in warm, moist environments and can cause a range of health issues, including skin irritation, respiratory problems, and even more serious ailments.

White Mold

White mold is the second most common type of hot tub mold. This type of mold is much less harmful to humans but can still have an effect on your spa’s performance, as it may lead to corrosion and other infrastructural issues. 

Plink Slime

Plink slime is a type of greenish-blue algae that can form in hot tubs if they are not regularly cleaned and treated. This type of mold is generally less harmful than black or white mold but can still cause problems with your filter and other components of the spa.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

Yellow Mold

Yellow mold is a type of mildew that can form on the walls, covers, and liners of your hot tub. This is the most common mold on hot tub covers, causing discoloration. 

It’s less harmful to humans than other types of black or white molds but can still cause issues with the aesthetics, performance, and structure of your hot tub. 

Green Mold

Green mold is a type of algae that can form in your hot tub due to poor maintenance or a natural occurrence. This type of mold is less harmful to humans than to other types. 

However, it can cause issues with your tub’s performance and may lead to corrosion, discoloration, and other issues.

Greenish/off-white Mold

These are commonly known as biofilms. They are a result of a build-up of organic matter and bacteria, which can cause corrosion and damage to your hot tub. 

They produce a slimy texture that can be difficult to remove along with a distinct foul odor. Biofilms are the reason why it’s important to regularly clean and treat your hot tub with chemicals. 

How to Clean Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

What if you have an inflatable hot tub? Is it the same as a regular hot tub? How to clean mold from inflatable hot tubs? Let’s find out! 

Cleaning mold from an inflatable hot tub can be a bit challenging, but it’s not impossible. The key is to act quickly and thoroughly in order to prevent any further growth. 

The first step is to empty the entire tub and then use a mild detergent such as dish soap or a laundry detergent with bleach to scrub the entire surface.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

Make sure to rinse the area thoroughly after scrubbing and then allow it to air dry completely before refilling it with fresh water. 

Once the inflatable hot tub is filled, you should add a specialized cleaning product such as Clorox or Bromine tabs designed specifically for hot tubs. 

This will help to kill any mold spores that might be lingering in the water. Let the mixture circulate for several hours and then drain and refill with fresh water again before using your hot tub once more. 

With that, we’ve explored the answer to the question, “how to clean mold from inflatable hot tubs”. But how about a Jacuzzi? Here’s how: 

How to Get Rid of Black Mold in Jacuzzi Tub

Getting rid of black mold in a jacuzzi tub can be tricky. The first step is to make sure that the area is well-ventilated and then use a mild detergent or cleaner designed specifically for hot tubs to scrub away any visible mold on hot tub cover or wall.

Once the surface has been cleaned, it’s important to use an algaecide or chlorine solution like bromine tabs to kill off any remaining spores. Let this mixture circulate for several hours before draining and refilling it with fresh water.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

Finally, add a specialized cleaning product such as Clorox or Bromine tabs designed specifically for hot tubs to ensure all contaminants have been removed before using your hot tub once more. 

Knowing how to get rid of black mold in jacuzzi tubs will help you enjoy a fresh, relaxing, and healthy bath every time. 

Remove Black Molds Using Household Ingredients

Black mold in hot tubs can be a serious health hazard and should be removed quickly and thoroughly. In order to do this, it’s important to use the right ingredients for black mold removal.

Here are some easy-to-find household items you can use to remove the black tar like substance in hot tubs:  

Natural Remedies

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a natural antifungal that can be used to treat black mold on hot tub cover or wall. Its acidic properties make it an effective remedy for killing off mold spores without having to resort to harsh chemicals. 

To use lemon juice, mix 1/2 cup of the juice with 1 gallon of water and spray the mixture directly onto the affected area. Allow it to sit for 20 minutes before wiping it away with a clean cloth. 

Grapefruit Seed

The grapefruit seed extract is another natural remedy that can be used to treat black mold in hot tubs. This ingredient contains powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties which make it effective against mold spores. 

To use grapefruit seed extract, mix 1 teaspoon of the extract with 1 cup of water and spray the mixture directly onto the affected area. Let it sit for 15 minutes before cleaning it with a cloth. 

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a strong natural antifungal that can treat black mold easily. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective remedy for killing off mold spores without having to resort to harsh chemicals. 

To use tea tree oil, simply mix 1 teaspoon of the oil with 2 cups of water and spray the mixture directly onto the affected area. Wait 15 minutes before wiping it away with a clean cloth.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

Chemical Products

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a common household item with mild antifungal properties. Its properties make it effective against mold spores. It’s also easy to get and use.  

To use baking soda, mix 1/2 cup of the powder with 2 cups of water and spray the mixture directly onto the affected area. Let it sit for 30 min before cleaning it with a clean cloth. 


Vinegar is also used to treat black mold in hot tubs as a chemical product. Its acidic properties make it an effective remedy for killing off mold spores without having to resort to harsher chemicals. 

To use vinegar, mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 2 cups of water and spray the mixture directly onto the affected area. Wait 15 minutes before wiping. 

Hydrogen Peroxide

This is most probably the harshest chemical product that can be used to treat black mold in hot tubs. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties make it effective against mold spores, however, it should only be used as a last resort. 

To use hydrogen peroxide, mix 1 cup of the liquid with 2 cups of water and spray the mixture directly onto the affected area. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before wiping it away with a cloth or rag. 

Once the black mold has been removed, be sure to sanitize and disinfect your hot tub using an algaecide or chlorine solution like bromine tabs to kill off any remaining spores. 

Let this mixture circulate for several hours before draining and refilling your hot tub with fresh water and adding any necessary chemicals. 

How to Prevent Black Mold in Hot Tub: Pro Tips

1. Keep the hot tub clean and free of debris

2. Test pH levels regularly 

3. Never leave organic matter such as dirt, leaves, or twigs in the water 

4. Empty out the water after each use 

5. Clean all filters regularly  

6. Use algaecides and other chemicals to kill off mold spores

7. Check for signs of black mold regularly 

8. Make sure the water temperature does not exceed 104°F (40°C) 

9. Keep the area surrounding your hot tub dry and clean 

10. Make sure there is good air circulation around the hot tub area 

Professional Mold Removal Service

Sometimes, mold growth gets out of hand. It can especially become more dangerous if someone in your house has any kind of breathing condition. 

If the mold is making you, your family, and your pets sick, it might be time to call a professional.

A qualified mold removal company can take care of any problem quickly and efficiently. They will send out an experienced team to inspect the affected area. 

From there they will go through testing and remediation steps to ensure that all traces of the mold are removed.

Black mold in your hot tub can be a serious problem, leading to structural damage and potential health risks. It is important to take steps immediately to eradicate the mold before it spreads further.

If you are looking for a reliable and professional mold removal service, We at My Remediator use state-of-the-art technology to detect and assess the extent of mold damage, then provide you with a detailed plan on how exactly we can help you get rid of that pesky black stuff! 

Our restoration services include emergency water damage services, water damage repair, mold inspection & removal, smoke and fire damage restoration, disaster recovery, and other services such as construction, renovation, and demolition projects.


Thanks for reading this far. With this guide, we’ve tried to provide a better view of the mold removal process, and what you can do at home. 

We’ve answered some of the most commonly asked mold removal questions like what black mold is, what are the other types of mold, how to prevent black mold in hot tubs, is black mold in hot tub dangerous, how to clean mold from inflatable hot tubs, Is bathroom mold dangerous, and how to get rid of black mold in jacuzzi tubs. 

Hopefully, those answers will help you and your loved ones enjoy a refreshing and safe bathing experience, free from any potential mold risk. Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions with us in the comment section below. I wish you a great holiday season.  


Is Bathroom Mold Dangerous

Yes, bathroom mold can be dangerous if not treated correctly. It can cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions in some people, as well as be hazardous to your health if it is producing toxins. Therefore, it is important to treat mold immediately and correctly, to avoid further health risks. 

Can I Clean Mold in a Hot Tub With Bleach

Although bleach can be used to clean mold, it is not the ideal solution for hot tubs as it can damage the material of the tub. It is best to use a specialized cleaner such as a hot tub cleaning solution or an anti-fungal product.

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